Rome2rio has found ways to get from Figueres to Roses by bus, car and taxi. There are ways to get from Roses to Figueres by bus, taxi or car. Advantages of transfer over other ways to get from Figueres train station Vilafant to Roses, Girona.
We will then travel on to Roses but realise the buses will have stopped. We took the train from Barcelona to Figueres, then a taxi to Roses (30E). Alternatively, driving from Figueres to Roses is the cheapest option and takes around min.
Barcelona Province of Barcelona Taxi Fare from roses to figueres is EUR 9. It usually takes minutes to reach figueres from roses which are Kms apart. Taxi fares in Barcelona Province of Barcelona are calculated based on the minimum fare and fare for the subsequent Kms. We recommend taking the bus from Figueres to Roses, which takes around min.
How can I get to Roses from the High Speed Train station (AVE)
How to get to Roses by bus from the High Speed Train station (AVE) in Figueres-Vilafant. My husband and I are arriving in Figueras by train from Paris at 20. Hire by the hour and Girona tours available.
May 1 20t explains to you how to get to Roses in case you arrived by train. Spent the night in Roses, then had the next day for the beach and to relax (theoretically, I got food poisoning from hL then took a taxi to El Bulli for dinner (about mins - 25E). Once there, you can get to Roses by car or by bus. Taxi from Figueres to Roses at Guaranteed Low prices from Airports Taxi Transfers.
How much is a taxi from Figueres, Spain to Roses, Spain?
As Figueres train station Vilafant is an important transport hub in Spain, there are taxis, shuttles, buses and trains. Roses does not have a train station, so that the closest one is the one in Figueres-Vilafant. Does anyone know how much (roughly) the taxi fare would be, otherwise we might be better to stay the night in Figueras. Calculate the price of any taxi trip with our taxi fare calculator in Barcelona.
Select an option below to see step-by-step directions and to compare ticket prices and travel times in Rome2rio s travel planner. Transfers from Figueres to Roses with a shuttle, private sedan car, minibus and bus vehicles. I don t know if you still need help on this, but we were there a couple of weeks ago. How can I get to Roses from the High Speed Train station (AVE. 11hBonjour Le mariage annule-t-il un pacs?
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